Guitar Lessons

Guitar Lessons

The guitar is the most played musical instrument in the world. It is a very adaptable musical form and can be used to play all types of music including blues, country, jazz and pop and rock.

Children and adolescents who begin to take guitar lessons at a fairly early age learn to (more…)

*Violin Lessons

*Violin Lessons

The violin is one of the most widely recognized musical instruments among children and adults of all ages. It’s a beautiful instrument, both to look at and to listen to. If you’re thinking about taking violin lessons, be prepared to find benefits in several surprising ways! The benefits of playing violin go far beyond just gaining the ability to play beautiful music on a new instrument. (more…)

*Art Lessons

*Art Lessons

The Academy of Music and Fine Arts offers classes that explore the fundamentals of life drawings in a variety of mediums including watercolor, pastels, and acrylics.

All skill levels are welcome. Our small class sizes enable our top-notch faculty to give each student individual (more…)

*Piano Lessons

*Piano Lessons

The Academy of Music and Fine Arts employs a method for teaching piano that is different from music lessons given at other schools.  Similar to the methods used in Europe where the traditions of classical music were established, piano lessons at the Academy are rooted in tradition and established on a solid foundation of proven methods.

Our patient and considerate instructors truly honor the unique characteristics of each student, formulating individual lesson plans tailored to each student’s personal style, skill level and aptitude.

We offer a broad selection of musical styles including classical, pop, jazz, blues. R&B, folk and country. As necessary, the technical performance of each musical composition can be specially simplified giving a beginning student the ability to perform any classical piece or modern song that he or she wishes.